The Kremlin is the most popular diet today. She is the Atkins diet, she astronauts diet, she’s low carbohydrate diet. She came to Russia from the West by US nutritionists.
main idea
The basic idea of the Kremlin diet is completely contrary to all the world’s diets. Since its slogan reads: “Eat plenty of meat, and the belly goes down!”. The creators of the diet claim that the proteins can be eaten in unlimited quantities, whereas carbohydrates minimized. Due to the lack of carbohydrates, our body will have to burn fat, to supply energy. As a result, we pohudeem.
Table Kremlin diet
For the Kremlin diet, the table has been specially designed points (points), which indicates the number of points for each product. So to maintain weight, our daily ration must not exceed 60 points. In case of excess, we will gain weight. For weight loss, it is necessary to watch, that our diet does not exceed 20-40 points.
Foods high in carbohydrates
Beware of potato dishes, fruits and vegetables. Bread, rice, juice also contain too many carbohydrates. Sugar is particularly dangerous, since it clean carbohydrates.
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Note: If you are sick with chronic diseases of the heart, stomach and blood vessels, before the application of the Kremlin diet, you should always consult a doctor. Also, it is not recommended to put on the diet of children and pregnant women