lose weight lose weight

December 6, 2014


Filed under: Uncategorized — misha55588 @ 10:09 am

Is it on this relaxed attitude to food and, in particular, to the sweet tooth can lose weight? You can! If you change the eating habits and lifestyle without stress. Patrick advises to make only those changes that you understand and enjoyable. Overpower himself his teeth, dump pounds on clear restrictions are not necessary. Willpower will be wasted. This convincing examples of people for whom the Borg observes. “Every meeting with a maximalist, overly restrictive yourself makes me sad thoughts and alarming for its future – sigh Patrik.- keep weight is possible only to those who during the process of losing weight does not suffer, but rather enjoys taking place in the life change. ”
And one more thing you need clarification. Stress-related to food, its weight, losing weight does not mean permissiveness. There should be a variety of foods should be eaten the right amount. You have saved yourself from unwanted restrictions and change? So, save some power, which would have spent on compliance. These savings, let’s force and direct the choice of food and its quantity.

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